"You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win." - Zig Ziglar

The season is just around the corner and we are so excited to show off all of the plans, strategies, and skills we have been working on this past month! The coaches and Executive Director, Brittany Arduini, have worked on a club-wide standardization for every component of volleyball. For real though, we went through every function of the game, basic skills, terminology, system-wide standardization, and PHYSICALLY made sure WE could do the skill to be able to teach it to your athletes!
Here are 2 ways we have prepared for this upcoming season!
All-Hands Coaches Training
We got together for 3 hours and physically trained on all the nitty-gritty details that go into teaching your athletes volleyball skills and strategy from the ground up and in a standardized format. This standardization will speed up their growth process as they continue to train at Houston Force year-over-year. Here are some intro keywords that your player can be on the lookout for as we start our first practice session on November 6th!
Serving - Toss, Step, Contact, Watch the Ball, Lift
Passing - Throw Your Feet, Lead Foot, Lead With Your Platform, Get Low
Setting - Thumbs Back, Open to Passers, Square-Up, Use Your Legs
Hitting - Left, Right, Left, Draw Your Arms, Left Arm Up
Serve Receive - Zones, Lanes, Seam to the Left
Four Club-Wide Practices With Our Volleyball Expert

Since we are so close to our first season practice (NOVEMBER 6TH - Noon to 2 P.M.) we are excited to share that our resident volleyball and practice planning expert, Brittany Arduini, will lead the first 4 practices!
This is really exciting to showcase the Club's core values and philosophies from day one with returning and new players. These four practices will set up your players to understand and value the high standards that themselves and our coaches will uphold throughout the season. Plus, who doesn't want exclusive coaching from our Club Director!
"The first four practices are critical to our season success by establishing foundational routines, expectations, and skills across the club" – Brittany Arduini, Club Director
Are You Ready? We Are!
We can't wait to start this season and work with your athletes! All teams and athletes be ready to play on November 6th from Noon to 2pm (Jedi/Alliance teams) or 2pm to 4pm (Galaxy teams).
Make sure to review our practice attire guide below so you LOOK and FEEL ready for practice!